We all need to feel seen, heard, respected and loved. When we feel we are living our truth, and when we feel we are included in society, in our workplace, and in our everyday life we can live our whole potential to the fullest.
Here is where my company Transforming Work is coming in.
I can help you or your organization with….
Do you want to create an environment where your employees, students, organization members have equal access to growth, development, success and opportunities? Do you want organizational effectiveness and your employee’s happiness?
With different lectures, seminars, workshops or creative soul work, I can help you or your organization grow in your equality and equity work or raise your already mindful and positive flow. From LGBTQi+ knowledge to group and private coaching and Mindfulness.
I am a drama pedagogue, as well as trained in child and adolescent psychology in trauma, anxiety, depression, and neuropsychology. I have also worked for more then twenty years with children and adolescents within the LGBTQI+ community and their families – primarily with the transgender group, providing counseling support and guidance.
Camilla has a unique ability to transform any situation into something positive, bringing light to people’s lives wherever she goes. She possesses a creative mind that consistently finds innovative solutions to challenges and ways to foster growth. Camilla is highly attuned to the needs of others, with a deep emotional sensitivity that makes her an excellent coach and a natural at cultivating a healthy environment in any organization.
I am also a writer and a filmmaker.
Below, you can klick and find my movie Rädda Våra Liv (in Swedish) on SF Anytime.
And my books ; Jag har ingen historia, jag har ett liv, Jag är Linus, en pojke med snippa, Jag är Bella, en flicka med snopp och Jag är Charlie, Både en pojke, en flicka eller mittemellan.
And in English; Perfectly Linus, Perfectly Bella and Perfectly Charlie.
A documentary featuring three mothers from different parts of Sweden, each with a child who has a transgender identity. Their stories reveal how healthcare, schools, authorities, and organizations often fail to support their transgender children. And why it is so important addressing mental health challenges in young people with a transgender identity and show the consequences when these families don’t receive the help they need?
(In Swedish)
Director: Camilla Gisslow
Producer: Tallbergs Förlag
What does it feel like to identify as a girl, even though you have a penis, or a boy when you have a vagina and both or inbetween gender? How does Bella, Linus and Charlie envision their experiences and interactions as someone who may not conform to traditional gender expectations? And, more importantly, how do they wish for others to treat them, given their unique identity and the way they navigates the world?
Hur känns det att identifiera sig som en tjej, trots att man har en snopp, eller som en kille när man har en vagina, eller som någon som är bådeoch eller något däremellan pojke och flicka? Hur ser Bella, Linus och Charlie på sina erfarenheter och interaktioner som personer som kanske inte följer traditionella könsförväntningar? Och, kanske viktigast av allt, hur vill de att andra ska behandla dem, med tanke på deras unika identitet och sätt att navigera i världen?
Hur kan det kännas att vara en flicka fast en har en snopp? Och hur vill Bella att andra ska var mot henne?
Hur kan det kännas att vara både en flicka och en pojke, fast en har en snopp eller snippa? Och hur vill Tintin/Elsa att andra ska vara mot hen?
Hur kan det kännas att vara en pojke fast en har en snippa? Och hur vill Linus att andra ska vara mot honom?
Baserad på ett verkligt livsöde som ung transsexuell
Att stå på tröskeln till ett nytt år ger mig alltid hopp